Haikus from Four Dignities, Noviembre 2016

Giant Banana Trees


I honor your majestry


Cold hot, hot cold


Among Beauty


The sun

On my neck

Heats deeply



Between leaves

Are not weeds


Moss covers the soil

Where nothing else will grow

Here and at home


Walking on the lawn

Spikes of cactus

Reach for the sky


Dew on Blades of Grass

Sparkle like jewels. I sit.

Now my ass is wet


Cloudless sky is open

Layers of green. So alive

Sitting on a corpse


Moist dirt, a dead leaf

A rotten avocado

Warm sun on my back


Una pelota ponchada

Azul y Blanca

Niños jugaron con ella


Tela de araña en el sol

Destellos luminosos

Seda transparente


Pink petals surprise among dark green

And just when I notice



Drunken bumblebees

Around opioid blossoms

Fly half hazardly


A Tangerine tree

Graced by the dramatic flight

Of white butterflies


Wind chime

No wind

So quiet



On the brick wall

Reflecting the world


Dewy grass

Wet socks

Cold feet


Slow down

Notice the light

Playing on the wall