
Stephen Vosper

Steve Vosper is a student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and his son Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. He has been practicing and studying the Shambhala and Buddhist paths for four decades, and has been teaching in those traditions for nearly 30 years.

Mr. Vosper was the first Dean of the Shambhala School of Buddhist Studies in Boulder, and a lead teacher on the pilot teaching team for the entire Way of Shambhala curriculum. He is also a Director for the complete Shambhala Training Heart of Warriorship and Sacred Path programs.

Steve is the chair of the Sakyong’s Advisory Panel on Shambhala Environments, and he has his own design firm, Fresh Space Studio in Boulder, Colorado where he lives with his wife Jane. Their daughter Marissa lives in New York City with her husband Steve and their brand new son Hart.